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Phone Sessions
Phone Sessions

Phone sessions are my preferred service to offer. This one-on-one interactions brings about the most dynamic healing. Phone sessions can be booked in 1 or 2 hour increments and are great for psychic based healings. We will start with a few deep breaths and intentions at the start of the call. Please have a notepad and pen ready to take down notes. Be sitting or laying down ready to start healing at your session time. Phone sessions can be done anywhere as long as you are in a quiet environment and are alone. 


Clients will schedule a healing for a certain issue/situations they have in mind or sometimes they don’t know what they need, they just know they want help. I ask at the start of the session if you have anything in particular you need assistance with. Please be aware, first and foremost we heal whatever is the biggest weight for you and sometimes it’s easy to get confused by what we think is the problem and want to focus on when the real healing is hidden in those roots. I always take you straight to the roots. Once we start your session I will pull up your energy body, I can communicate directly with your spirit/ higher self  & I will see what is hurting/holding you back the most and we will start to work on bringing you the healing you need.


Reiki energy healing. Cord cutting. Self hypnosis. Soul fragment retrieval. Angel connections & messages. Inner child work. Grieving and loss guidance. Holistic approach to PTSD/trauma/anxiety. Chakra balancing. Sexual trauma energy healing. Physical body and health energy healing. Discrimination & Oppression healing. Medium work/passed away loved ones. Aura color readings. Career insights & navigation. Generational DNA family healing. Lower vibration/entity removal. Subconscious mind reprogramming. Emotional healing. Past life regression and healings. Dream interpretations. Soul Integration. Spiritual Psychic Intuitive Metaphysical teachings ( learn how to do what I do and how to advance your own psychic/intuitive/healing skill set). Perception reframing. Heart centered healings. Court case clearings. Guided meditation. Higher self connection. Manifesting visualization work.


In person Sessions
In Person Sessions

In person sessions are located in Layton, Utah.  They can be booked in 1 or 2 hour increments. We begin by getting you adjusted and comfortable on a massage table fully clothed. In person sessions are great for those that desire a healing environment and physical comfort. If you have experienced extremely traumatic events and are feeling you are in a crisis, in person is a great option as it allows for sound healing and a warm healing environment. 


Clients will schedule a healing for a certain issue/situations they have in mind or sometimes they don’t know what they need, they just know they want help. I ask at the start of the session if you have anything in particular you need assistance with. Please be aware, first and foremost we heal whatever is the biggest weight for you and sometimes it’s easy to get confused by what we think is the problem and want to focus on when the real healing is hidden in those roots. I always take you straight to the roots. Once we start your session I will pull up your energy body, I can communicate directly with your spirit/ higher self  & I will see what is hurting/holding you back the most and we will start to work on bringing you the healing you need.


Reiki energy healing. Sound Healing. Sage/Smudging & ritual body care. Cord cutting. Self hypnosis. Soul fragment retrieval. Angel connections & messages. Inner child work. Grieving and loss guidance. Holistic approach to PTSD/trauma/anxiety. Discrimination & Oppression healing. Chakra balancing. Sexual trauma energy healing. Physical body and health energy healing. Medium work/passed away loved ones. Aura color readings. Career insights & navigation. Generational DNA family healing. Lower vibration/entity removal. Subconscious mind reprogramming. Emotional healing. Past life regression and healings. Dream interpretations. Soul Integration. Spiritual Psychic Intuitive Metaphysical teachings ( learn how to do what I do and how to advance your own psychic/intuitive/healing skill set). Perception reframing. Heart centered healings. Court case clearings. Guided meditation. Higher self connection. Manifesting visualization work. 



Home & Biz
Home & Business Clearings

I travel to your home or business space that you are seeking a fresh start in. I use limitless sacred methods both ancient and of my own creation for clearings and don’t stop until the home or space is lifted. Clients love energy clearings as it increases finances, clearing away the blocks to your abundance as well as creating a healing environment in the home or office space. I use my abilities to navigate the spiritual realms to see clearly what is in your space, what kind of negative energies or spiritual beings are lurking in the corners. When you know what the exact problem is, you get exact results of resolution! Being able to see spirits is key for healing spaces as each negative energy needs to be cleared in a certain manor based on its origins. My clearings have assisted in increases in health and over all well being, being able to sleep at night, increases in abundance, no longer needing or wanting to move, resolution of anxiety and mood swings, over all dark feelings of heaviness lifted.


Homes & spaces that are haunted, people feeling watched in the home, illnesses and disease or people constantly being sick, emotional discord, divorce, buying a new home( needing to clear the past owners energy out), unable to sell a home, loss in finances, stagnant work flow, insomnia/night terrors, appliances breaking, flooding, the land not being producible, constant bad experiences happening in your home/business, odd lights flickering or energy surges and bad vibes are great indications you need a clearing.


I incorporate your higher power preferences, use many traditions from many different cultures & teach you what I am doing while we are right there clearing together. I have my clients participate and learn how to do maintenance clearings after. I tune into the energy of each room and offer spiritual insight into the imbalances present and steps to take to bring healing. In home clearings we heal your children's rooms as we can focus on each person individually and give you the answers to bring more love and health into your loved ones life. They do not need to participate or be home during the clearing. We talk through the situations that come up while we clear the home and address them right then and there. For Business clearings we can look into any partnerships or employees that may not be synergistic for your space and are holding the energy back. We fill your space with divine unconditional love, powerful protection, overflowing abundance and beautiful healing. New you, new space, new life! 


Have questions about your home or business?  Contact me and we can see if a clearing is recommended for you. 


Home or Business Clearing are a standard flat rate and typically take 3-4 hours to complete.

Travel fees for outside of Davis & Weber County vary based on location.

Private Group Events
Private Group Events

I travel to your home/location and offering group intuitive psychic medium readings. This can be with your family or friends, birthday party, bachelorette, spiritual retreat or girls night party. I can assist in healing emotional & energetic imbalances, connection to the spiritual side, guidance for career & relationships, messages channeled by Angels & loved ones.

At each party I will offer:

Connection to spirit guides & Angel messages.

Connection to passed away loved ones and messages.

Intuitive insights and guidance for life directions and navigating any of your situations & paths in life.

Emotional & Spiritual Healings.

Parties are 2 hours in length, I travel to you, I answer as many questions for everyone as possible, offer all the above services seamlessly and everyone benefits from shared learning. Healings, teachings and connections ALL IN ONE place! A minimum of 5 people must book in order to create a party.

Rates are based per person. Max of 8-9 people per 2 hours. Travel fees for outside Davis County.

Reiki Classes
Reiki Classes

 Are you ready to become your own healer? Have you been feeling called to learn how to use energy healing to heal those you love?

Classes are offered In Person in Layton, Utah. There are 4 levels/degree of Reiki. First degree, second degree, third degree and Reiki Master Teacher.  Each level comes with different attunements that allows for higher levels of reiki energy to flow as well as an entire manual for you to take home. There is a 21 day minimum between levels. You can use reiki for personal healing and spiritual growth. For friends and family or to start your own practice. Reiki can be added to any healing modalities and is also compatible with any religious or spiritual views.  I have created extra information I teach with my classes. You will be getting multiple classes all tied into one. 


Level one focuses on basic foundations and the channeling of Reiki energy healing as well as your personal healing the first weeks. Once you complete your first class you are certified and ready to offer basic energy healing sessions.  I recommend offering a few sessions for free to others until you feel confident to charge for your services.


Level two is a quantum leap beyond level one and sets you up for a very successful practice in healing others with multiple modalities included. Long distance healings are taught with new attunements that are given to higher levels of healing abilities. We focus on opening your intuitive/psychic senses. 


Third Degree & Reiki Master Teacher classes are very advanced and are for those that desire to become extremely proficient in in-depth healings and are desiring teaching others these gifts, giving Reiki attunements and desire full completion of the Reiki courses offered.


If you feel the desire to heal yourself or those around you and Reiki calls your name please let me know how I can be of assistance! Classes are typically 3-4 hours in length and rates are based on the level/ degree you are desiring certification in. Students reach out to me when they are ready to schedule their class day/time. 

Contact Me

For any questions you have, you can reach me here:


Anna Shirra


Send me a message to schedule a healing and for service rates. 


May you be blessed beyond reason.

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